How To Become Phenomenal And Build A Heart-centered Personal Brand

In this blog post, I’ll help you achieve 3 major things.

  1. To Understand what it means to be PHENOMENAL.
  2. To Understand exactly what it means to be a heart-centered PERSONAL BRAND.
  3. To show you 10 steps, including what you stand to benefit by making your personal brand more heart-centred.

But first, I’ll like to ask…

  1. What is your Vision?
  2. What is your Ambition?
  3. What do you want to be remembered for?

It becomes necessary to remind you of the fact that none of us can get out of this life alive so there’s a need to develop the Hunger to find and play your part before the time is up.

And what this requires is a SENSE OF URGENCY that reflects in the way you live and work.


I looked up the synonyms of phenomenal and they include:


In essence, a phenomenal woman is a remarkable woman, an extraordinary woman, an exceptional woman.

  • This means that she’s not the ordinary, regular or typical type of woman.
  • And this doesn’t in any way suggest that a phenomenal woman is PERFECT. 
  • It simply means you have intentionally chosen to use your imperfections as the building blocks to a remarkable life.
  • A life with a difference.

A typical example of a PHENOMENAL WOMAN is the Proverbs chapter 31 woman who’s been given to us as a prototype.


  • God has equipped you with everything you need to be remarkable and different just like the prov. 31 woman
  • You don’t have to look else where
  • The safest place to look is on your inside.
  • Your true beauty shines from within.



You need to live with the consciousness that you possess an inner beauty which is the foundation for great accomplishments. 

This will help you develop confidence in your ability to make the right choices and decisions irrespective of what everyone else is doing.

Try not to define yourself by your shape, height or size because your true beauty is rooted, not on anything superficial but on God.


Stop being laid back and you need to stop giving up easily in the face of intimidating circumstances.

Unlike the ordinary woman who lacks courage to go after her dreams, it’s time to go after your dreams so you can motivate, inspire and influence others as a result. 

Start leading from the front and understand that the only mandate you need to lead is your passion for change.

Push for success in a subtle manner, expanding as you move forward, so as to take up space.


To be phenomenal, you simply need to become an expert in minding your business.

Right now, the hunger to understand your role in the world and tackle it should pre-occupy you.

This isn’t a time to look around and distract yourself.

The task of creating a significant life is heavy already and you don’t want to add to it.

Just be focused on improving yourself and building the life you want to experience while making a difference in the lives of all who come across you.


  • It’s all about starting and running a personal brand that is focused on providing VALUE to society through your message, product or service.
  • It means intentionally building a brand with a central mission of doing good.
  • It does not mean working for free or donating all your profits to charity.
  • It simply means that you’re passionate about solving a problem, easing the pains and frustrations of the people you want to serve while making sales and earning your profits.
  • It means that your brand is not a heartless jungle like the business world appears to be.
  • It means letting your humanity shine through, by doing work that incorporates creativity and thoughtful kindness.
  • It’s about doing work that matter.

Here’s a checklist to help you know if you’re a heart-centered personal brand:

  • You are clear on your WHY and Core Values.
  • You have discovered your Gifts and you’re passionately using it to help people.
  • Your brand is motivated by love and not only money.
  • You understand who exactly you should be serving through your work.
  • You have created a solution that can successfully solve a problem.
  • You have a defined niche that enables you to provide solutions to a specific audience you want to serve.
  • You’re focused on making a difference, and your overall aim is to add light to the world from your little corner.
  • You have successfully incorporated the 3 P’s of PASSION, PURPOSE, PROFIT into your branding.


  • There must be a hunger in you to attain your highest potential; a hunger to become the greatest version of yourself. 
  • To achieve this, you need to get out of your comfort zone, the self-created prison that exists in your mind.  
  • It’s a place of limitation.
  • Find out what you were put here to do by discovering your gifts, abilities and uniqueness.
  • There’s a reason that God still keeps and sustains you here. Find it.
  • When you don’t know your purpose, it’s easy to be distracted and follow a path that’s not yours.
  • Once you drift outside your purpose, you start wandering in destiny and end up accomplishing little or nothing in life.
  • You need to be clear on the specific task to deploy your gifts in line with your life’s purpose.
  • Develop skills around your gifts and abilities.
  •  You need to also be sure of who you specifically want to serve.
  • Build capacity by attending trainings
  • Ensure that your brand reflects your core values.
  • Learn from those who have become successful in the area you’re trying to get into.
  • Let your solution (message, product, service) address a major problem being faced by the people you want to help.
  • Get creative and come up with original ideas to serve your clients with
  • Build your brand and serve your audience from your core.
  • Don’t be an imitator, become someone others want to copy instead.
  • Always be on the lookout for how best you can solve the problem of your clients.

Last but not the least, TAKE THE FIRST STEP after reading this article.

  • You want to build a heart-centered business?  TAKE ACTION!
  • The world won’t pay you for what you know, it will pay you for what you do.
  • And when you take the first step towards your dream the human and material resources you need to succeed will naturally gravitate towards you.

And finally, here are the


  • It helps you start and run a profitable brand that’s filled with passion, vision and strong values.
  • It enables you create transparent and loyal relationships with your clients because you run your brand  in a manner that makes them feel heard, respected and understood.
  •  It is your surest path to success.
  • It gives you the assurance that you’re contributing something of value to the world.
  • It’s your surest opportunity to make a difference in the world.
  • It’s your shortest and quickest route to building a lasting legacy.

Secure your spot to receive some focused, loving attention in a non-judgmental and confidential space. Click here to book a call today.

About Nikky Nzekwe

About Nikky Nzekwe

Nikky is a Self-Discovery Coach, who helps ambitious professionals make the transition from a limiting career into a powerful and profitable personal brand, to live a more purposeful & fulfilling life.

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